New Mexico Department of Transportation
Project Location:Otero County,NM
Contract Amount: $1,633,142
This project was broken up into two different phases. The first was to re-slope or layback an area adjacent to the highway that had experienced a lot of rock falls. AUI was able to accomplish this without blasting by using a large excavator with a hydraulic hammer and transporting material to an area requiring fill beside the highway.
The second phase of the project was at the tunnel area on the highway. The work included the scaling down of loose rock, building a large retaining wall with colored patterned concrete and rock retaining fence for future protection of the roadway and the complete rebuilding of the visitor parking/turn out area adjacent to the tunnel (concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter and new pavement).
Both of these phases utilized many different traffic control setups and flagging operations to maintain continuous traffic movement as well as safety for the public and workers. Due to the extent of public relations activities needed for this project, AUI retained the services of a Public Awareness Officer. This Officer coordinated with and/or maintained continuous communication channels with Cloudcroft businesses, the US Forest Service (high fire danger), highway trucking traffic, the media and other agencies concerning construction activities, scheduling and traffic interruptions.
The project consisted of over 13,000 CY of both rock and unclassified excavation also including 4,000 CY of rock scaling. The new lookout area was constructed when approximately 1,200 SY of detour paving was placed to detour travelers away from the 2,140 SY of permanent minor paving needed to complete the lookout area. The major portion of the retaining wall was constructed using over 312 CY of structural concrete and over 27,000 pounds of rebar. By eliminating the blasting operations, the project was able to save over $ 61,000.