Heavy Civil
Heavy Civil, Heavy Civil Featured projects

I-10, Las Cruces to Texas State Line
New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner) Location of Project: Dona Ana County, NM Contract Amount: $5,092,543.51 (AUI Subcontracted portion) AUI was subcontracted by Mountain States Constructors, Inc. to assist in the new construction and rehabilitation of I-10...

NMDOT CN 1495, BR-0377(1)01
New Mexico Department of Transportation Project Location: Luna County, NM Contract Amount: $1,336,431 This project called for the removal and replacement of a 192’ long bridge over the Mimbres River. The 8-span bridge was a slab bridge approximately 33’ wide. AUI...

I-40, San Mateo to Pennsylvania (Award Winning Project)
New Mexico Department of Transportation Project Location: Bernalillo County, NM Contract Total Value: $21,653,150.00 This reconstruction project involved the widening and improvements of I-40 through Albuquerque. The limits of the project, both eastbound and...

Camino De La Placita Phase II, TT91-119, BID NO. 02-03-10; MAP-6005(900)00 CN 9582
Town of Taos Location: Taos, NM Contract Price: $1,634,147.64 The jobsite was located on Camino de la Placita, which is a main thoroughfare bypass for the Plaza area and is a combination arterial/residential collector street. AUI’s contracted scope of work included...

Unser Boulevard Improvements, Sage to Central
PROJECT P769901 City of Albuquerque Location of Project: Albuquerque, NM Contract Amount: $4,055,827.00 AUI contracted with the City of Albuquerque for the construction of this urban roadway project. Primarily the original scope of work called for the modification of...

2009 Spruce Street Arra Improvements
PROJECT NO. SST-4331(200), CNG2S7541, ECO-4331(1) City of Deming Location of Project: Deming, NM Contract Amount: $ 2,099,198.03 AUI was contracted by the City of Deming for the removal the existing concrete roadway that had originally been placed around the 1930 -...