New Mexico Department of Transportation
Project Location: I-10 MP 22.550 to MP 146.680
Contract Total Value: $117,386.00 (AUI Subcontracted portion)
AUI was subcontracted under two different subcontractors for this project. AUI worked as a 2nd tier subcontractor for San Bar Construction to complete 5 drilled piers for the “ITS” camera poles along I-10, 48” in diameter and ranging in depth of 12’ to 14’. Subsequently, AUI was a 3rd tier subcontractor to McDade Woodcock, Inc, for the construction of 9 drilled shafts to be utilized for Overhead signage along I-10, 54” in diameter and ranging in depths of 14’ to 22’’ deep.
As in previous projects requiring this scope of work, AUI used a “Lo-Drill” mounted on a 330 Hitachi Excavator to excavate the drilled shafts and placed Sonotube to maintain the shaft shape above existing grade. Rebar was placed inside of the drilled shaft and was supported by the Excavator. Type G concrete was placed in the drilled shaft using drop chutes until it was 4’ from the top of the shaft. A pattern jig was placed on top of a form and the anchor bolts and nuts were placed using the line and grade provided by the surveyor. Once this was complete, the placement of Type G concrete continued up to the top of the form. AUI has a history of projects involving this type of work, both as a prime and as a subcontractor, in addition to a crew that is well versed in the installation of drilled shafts.