Pile Driving and Shoring
Our pile driving services include installation steel H-piles and steel round-piles for roadways and railways, and installation of sheet piling. Our shoring system capabilities include the installation of sheet piling with anchoring

Cedar Crest Drainage Improvement Project
NMDOT Project Control Number A301441 on NM 14 was a drainage improvement project. The main purpose of the project was to eliminate and/or reduce the erosion that would come off the steep slope immediately adjacent to NM 14 during rain events. The aforementioned...

Exit 102 Acomita I-40 Interchange at MP 102.000
New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner) Contract Amount: $3,851,057 (AUI Subcontracted portion) This project is one of the first bridge/interchange projects that utilized roundabouts at the on and off ramps. The newly constructed bridge over I-40 was built...

I-10 Hidalgo, Luna And Dona Ana County: CN 1100021
New Mexico Department of Transportation Project Location: I-10 MP 22.550 to MP 146.680 Contract Total Value: $117,386.00 (AUI Subcontracted portion) AUI was subcontracted under two different subcontractors for this project. AUI worked as a 2nd tier subcontractor for...

I-10, Las Cruces to Texas State Line
New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner) Location of Project: Dona Ana County, NM Contract Amount: $5,092,543.51 (AUI Subcontracted portion) AUI was subcontracted by Mountain States Constructors, Inc. to assist in the new construction and rehabilitation of I-10...

I-40, San Mateo to Pennsylvania (Award Winning Project)
New Mexico Department of Transportation Project Location: Bernalillo County, NM Contract Total Value: $21,653,150.00 This reconstruction project involved the widening and improvements of I-40 through Albuquerque. The limits of the project, both eastbound and...