(505) 242-4848

New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner)
Location of Project: Dona Ana County, NM
Contract Amount: $5,092,543.51 (AUI Subcontracted portion)

AUI was subcontracted by Mountain States Constructors, Inc. to assist in the new construction and rehabilitation of I-10 from Las Cruces to the Texas state line. The overall project scope involved the lane expansion of I-10 northbound and southbound lanes from two to four lanes. AUI’s portion of this project included the construction of a 4,800LF permanent concrete wall barrier, a new Gateway Sign for visitors entering the state of New Mexico, and construction of a 42,000SF precast concrete sound wall held in place by drilled piers. Scheduling conflicts were kept to a minimum as the project progressed smoothly with AUI placing over 13,000LF of culvert pipe extensions in addition to approximately 20 drop inlets of various sizes, to provide the necessary drainage for the lane expansion of I-10. The installation of culvert pipe and box culvert extensions; cleaning and or filling existing culvert pipe and box culverts; in addition to preparing the area for Mountain States paving portion by backfill and compaction over these installations, had to be done in an efficient and timely manner to assure that all contractors and subcontractors involved could stay on schedule.
AUI’s success on this project was dependent upon positive working relationships with both NMDOT and the prime contractor, Mountain States Constructors, Inc. The quality of the final project was enhanced by AUI’s commitment to the safety of their employees as there were no lost time accidents on the project and in large part to the dedication of our employees who take great pride in their work. Every effort was made to work together on this project and share resources when necessary; while efficient productivity allowed the project to stay on schedule and on budget.