New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner)
Contract Amount: $3,851,057 (AUI Subcontracted portion)
This project is one of the first bridge/interchange projects that utilized roundabouts at the on and off ramps. The newly constructed bridge over I-40 was built approximately 1000’ west of the existing interchange. The two-span, 200’ long twin bridges contained many aesthetic features from custom formliners to custom-stained concrete. Traffic was never interrupted during the construction of the new bridge or during the widening of the existing bridges. This was a very challenging portion of the project as the existing interchange bridges had to be partially demolished and widened without disrupting traffic on either I-40 or Old NM 124 running underneath the bridge. AUI devised a method utilizing steel beams and heavy duty shoring to accommodate this unique challenge. AUI was a subcontractor to Kirkland Construction who was responsible for the paving and earthwork on the project. AUI constructed all of the concrete flat work on the project along with all concrete structures on the project including but not limited to curb and gutter, sidewalk, drop inlets, PCCP, colored/ patterned median paving, bridges, concrete box culverts and concrete slope blankets.
A major challenge on the project was the location. The Acomita area is well known for its harsh winters. The majority of this project was constructed during the winter months. AUI fought through numerous snow storms and many days where the wind chill factor brought temperatures down into the single digits; however, the project progressed and was never suspended due to weather. AUI made provisions to accommodate cold weather concrete to the satisfaction of the NMDOT. This project was been a great success and a fine example of collaboration between the contractors, the NMDOT and the Pueblo of Acoma.