City of Rio Rancho
Location of Project: Rio Rancho, NM
Contract Amount: $8,796,959 (AUI Inc.’s subcontract amount)
The project called for a 3.1 mile extension of Paseo del Volcan from Iris Road to US 550 consisting of the addition of a two-lane roadway, drainage crossings, roadway intersections with traffic signals, three bridges, and the raising
of Enchanted Hills Boulevard. Once again AUI was a subcontractor to Mountain States Constructors, Inc., the prime contractor for this City of Rio Rancho project. Under AUI’s $8.7 million subcontract, AUI constructed four bridges (two single-span and two double-span), a seven-barrel box culvert , a two-barrel box culvert , approx. 10,000 SF of soil nail walls , 3,000 SF of pre-cast sound walls , approx. 50,000 SF of MSE wall, and 2,000 LF of concrete barrier wall. AUI also placed over 2,500 LF of RCP storm drain ranging from 72” to 96” in diameter, in addition to 2,000 LF of 12” sanitary sewer and approximately 800 LF of 16” waterline.
This American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) funded project began construction in August 2009 and was scheduled for completion by February 2011; however, AUI successfully completed its construction activities by the end of 2010.