Owner: Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer: Brown & Caldwell
Location of Project: Fort Bliss, Texas
Contract Amount: $8,511,910
AUI built and maintained a solid relationship with Brown and Caldwell, Fort Bliss Water Services, Co. and the Army Corps. of Engineers throughout the CAB Phase I and II Project which in turn lead to the completion of Phase I ahead of schedule and the start of Phase II earlier than anticipated. AUI was contracted for the demolition and replacement of existing water and sanitary sewer. This water and sewer infrastructure project included construction of approximately 23,887LF of 8”, 12” and 15” respectively of SDR-35 PVC sanitary sewer pipe in addition to 33,903 LF of C-900 PVC pipe waterline varying in sizes from 6” to 12”, which included all necessary fittings, valves, and appurtenances. Contracted work also involved the installation of approximately eighty-five 48” precast manholes with required appurtenances and coatings, and twenty-eight fire hydrants. During the installation and tie-ins of new services, AUI installed temporary connections as necessary to maintain services, ensuring limited interruptions for the Fort Bliss area. AUI was presented with a safety award from the Corps of Engineers while working this project, exemplifying our dedication to the safety of our employees.