After: Coal Avenue at Ash Street
Owner: City of Albuquerque
Engineer: Wilson & Company
Location of Project: Albuquerque, NM
Final Contract Amount: $26,896,887
Completion Date: May 2012
Awards Received:
Three awards from the Associated General Contractors-New Mexico Building Branch (AGC-NM) Best Buildings 2013
- Municipal and Utilities
- ACE Leadership High School Students Award
- Grand Prize of Show
Lead and Coal Avenues serve as main arterials connecting downtown Albuquerque to its east side. The project involved over five and a half miles of construction through the heavily traveled residential area. In addition to resident and business access, mail, bus service, garbage pick-up and other services had to be maintained throughout the project, and heavy pedestrian traffic was a concern with the project’s proximity to CNM and UNM.
The existing three-lane streets that encouraged speeding and weaving were replaced with two-lane streets that included traffic-calming features and encouraged multi-modal transportation. The project made the entire corridor ADA accessible with the installation of over 500 wheelchair ramps. In addition, designated transit stops with shaded structures were installed, bike lanes were added throughout the length of the project, and the existing 3’ sidewalks were widened to a minimum of 6’ wide. Over 18,000 cubic yards of concrete were placed within the project.
The inadequate storm drain system and aging infrastructure were updated, including installation of up to 66” diameter storm drain that had to be placed up to 20’ deep in some sections. The project also included signalization and roadway lighting; fiber optic cable, splicing and terminating; CCTV installation; traffic count station installation; signing and striping; garden walls, retaining walls and landscaping. The 18-month project was completed on time and under the City’s budget.