September 1, 2017–
Today, Mayor Richard J. Berry recognized Anthony Deluca as this week’s Good Samaritan for helping a man who was blind cross a busy intersection. Deluca is an employee of AUI, Inc., a contractor for the Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART) project.
In an afternoon in July, Deluca was working at the ART construction site at San Mateo Boulevard and Central Avenue. He saw that a man who was blind was attempting to get across the congested intersection. Deluca felt he needed to help the man safely cross the street, given his visual impairment and the high level of traffic in the area. Immediately, he discontinued working and walked over to the man to help him. By placing his hand on his shoulder, Deluca helped the man get across without incident. David Martinez, an observant citizen who was nearby took notice of Deluca’s act of kindness and decided to take pictures. He believed that Deluca’s noteworthy actions served as a reminder for everyone to be kind to people in need.
Deluca expressed that the kind actions he took that day came naturally to him because of the values he learned from his parents. His selfless actions resulted in the man who was blind safely crossing the road. It is for these reasons that Anthony Deluca was recognized as this week’s City of Albuquerque’s Good Samaritan.

Mayor Richard Berry presents Good Samaritan Award to Anthony Deluca.