Project Name: I-40/Zuzax Interchange
Owner’s Project Number: A301345
Owner’s Name: New Mexico Department of Transportation
Final Contract Amount: $ 9,725,516.50
Notice to Proceed: 3/23/2020
Date of Final Completion: Substantial was 10/18/2021
Located in Tijeras Canyon just east of Albuquerque, NM a new bridge was constructed next to the existing bridge. The new bridge had MSE walls at the abutments with standard spread footers and a pier with a spread footer as well. This was a steel girder bridge over live traffic, so we had to underdeck the new bridge to protect the traveling public and existing highway. The Tijeras Arroyo ran to the south of the bridge and a new box culvert was placed in the new bridge location.
There was a significant amount of rip rap on the project to protect massive erosion that happened due to the large amounts of rain that this area receives.