Project Name: Owl Springs Way Bridge Replacement Project
Owner: Pueblo of Jemez
Contract Value: $4,098,458.12
Finish Date: February 22, 2023
The previous Owl Springs Way bridge over the Jemez River was constructed in 1963. The 2019 structure inventory and Appraisal Report indicated that the bridge had a sufficiency rating of 49.99 out of 100 and was classified as “Structurally Deficient”. Over the last decade, the bridge was overtopped numerous times by Jemez River Floodwater, resulting in flooding and closure of the adjacent roadway. The previous bridge was structurally deficient and functionally obsolete and did not provide adequate freeboard to accommodate the river hydrology at peak flow.
The project entailed the demolition of the previous bridge and the construction of the new bridge. The new bridge is constructed of structural steel and concrete. The project included reconstruction of the west and east side roadway approach, drainage improvements, installation of erosion control measures, roadway signage improvements, and installation of a pedestrian walkway on the south side of the new bridge.