Partnering Services
Design/Build and Construction Manager (CM) At-Risk project delivery systems provide the project owner an avenue for integrating design and construction services under management by one Design/Build or CM At-Risk entity. The project owner has one central point-of-contact for all project issues. The project designers/engineers and contractors benefit from the “project team” approach that is necessary to the success of these unique project delivery methods. AUI has played a key role in several highly successful Design/Build and CM At-Risk projects. Our Estimating Department is always open to proposals for partnering with reputable architects, engineers and construction firms. Please forward your partnering proposal to AUI’s estimating department by mail at P.O. Box 9825, Albuquerque, NM 87119-9825 or by fax at (505) 242-9050. To send us an email, please fill out the contact form below.