Our slip lining capabilities for sanitary sewer, water or storm drain pipe replacement include slip lining new carrier pipe into an existing host pipe. Our capabilities with this trenchless method for pipe replacement can be utilized on pipelines ranging in size from large 90-inch to smaller 8-inch. This trenchless method promotes minimal surface disturbance, and if used on sanitary sewer lines, sewer flows DO NOT have to be bypassed.
Aug 1, 2012 | Slip Lining, Trenchless Technology
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, NM Final Contract Amount: $8,647,400.00 Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) took a proactive instead if reactive approach to addressing aging and failing interceptor sewer lines. This...
Jan 25, 2012 | Slip Lining, Trenchless Technology
Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility Project Location: Salt Lake City, UT Contract Amount: $1,137,157.00 AUI was invited to bid to slip-line aging and failing concrete sewer mains going into the privately held Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility (CVWR)....