Pile Driving
Our pile driving services include installation steel H-piles and steel round-piles for roadways and railways, and installation of sheet piling.

Exit 102 Acomita I-40 Interchange at MP 102.000
New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner) Contract Amount: $3,851,057 (AUI Subcontracted portion) This project is one of the first bridge/interchange projects that utilized roundabouts at the on and off ramps. The newly constructed bridge over I-40 was built...
I-10 Hidalgo, Luna And Dona Ana County: CN 1100021
New Mexico Department of Transportation Project Location: I-10 MP 22.550 to MP 146.680 Contract Total Value: $117,386.00 (AUI Subcontracted portion) AUI was subcontracted under two different subcontractors for this project. AUI worked as a 2nd tier subcontractor for...
I-10, Las Cruces to Texas State Line
New Mexico Department of Transportation (Owner) Location of Project: Dona Ana County, NM Contract Amount: $5,092,543.51 (AUI Subcontracted portion) AUI was subcontracted by Mountain States Constructors, Inc. to assist in the new construction and rehabilitation of I-10...