Our asphalt paving services include paving for highways, and arterial and residential roadways.
Mar 20, 2017 | Asphalt Paving, Awards, News
NM 47 Honored with Best Building Award
Mar 4, 2016 | Asphalt Paving, Heavy Civil, News, Storm Drains, Utilities
Owner: City of Artesia Engineer: Smith Engineering Company Location of Project: Artesia, NM Contract Amount: $8,524,429 Completion Date: July 2015 This project was a full-width street reconstruction including over 10,000 LF of 60-in storm drain plus water lines,...
Oct 8, 2013 | Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Earthwork, News, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Drains, Trenching, Utilities, Water Lines
Owner: City of Albuquerque Engineer: Wilson & Company Location of Project: Albuquerque, NM Contract Amount: $26,750,711 Completion Date: June 2014 AUI’s largest site development project to date, Special Assessment District (SAD) #228 consisted of 72-acres of site...
Sep 26, 2013 | Asphalt Paving, Bridges, Heavy Civil, News
Owner/Engineer: NMDOT Location of Project: Santa Fe County, NM Final Contract Amount: $7,080,995 Completion Date: July 2013 Project Awards Received: 2013 NMDOT District Five Pavement Smoothness Quality Award 2013 American Concrete Institute New Mexico Chapter...
Mar 20, 2013 | Asphalt Paving, Heavy Civil, News, Storm Drains
Owner: City of Albuquerque Engineer: Wilson & Company Location of Project: Albuquerque, NM Final Contract Amount: $26,896,887 Completion Date: May 2012 Awards Received: Three awards from the Associated General Contractors-New Mexico Building Branch (AGC-NM) Best...
Aug 1, 2012 | Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Concrete Structures, Heavy Civil, Trenching
Angel Fire PID (Owner) Location of Project: Angel Fire, NM Contract Amount: $24,541,188.31 AUI’s work in Angel Fire, NM on the Angel Fire PID 2007 – Roadway and Infrastructure Improvements Project was a Design-Build Project. The overall scope of this...
May 30, 2012 | Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Concrete Structures, Heavy Civil
Town of Taos Location: Taos, NM Contract Price: $1,634,147.64 The jobsite was located on Camino de la Placita, which is a main thoroughfare bypass for the Plaza area and is a combination arterial/residential collector street. AUI’s contracted scope of work included...
May 30, 2012 | Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Concrete Structures, Heavy Civil
PROJECT P769901 City of Albuquerque Location of Project: Albuquerque, NM Contract Amount: $4,055,827.00 AUI contracted with the City of Albuquerque for the construction of this urban roadway project. Primarily the original scope of work called for the modification of...
May 30, 2012 | Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Concrete Structures, Heavy Civil
PROJECT NO. SST-4331(200), CNG2S7541, ECO-4331(1) City of Deming Location of Project: Deming, NM Contract Amount: $ 2,099,198.03 AUI was contracted by the City of Deming for the removal the existing concrete roadway that had originally been placed around the 1930...